In January 2025 it will be that time of year again: the world’s best showjumpers will be competing in Basel, Switzerland’s beautiful city on the Rhine. They and their equally famous horses will face the challenges of the world class indoor Grand Prix event LONGINES CSI BASEL. The event combines consummate riding skill with thrilling action, and needless to say is eagerly anticipated by spectators, the media and sponsors alike.
Incredible sums of prize money will be awarded to the winners of the individual competitions – a total of 17 including the amateur classes. And that’s not all: nine of the eleven international competitions count towards world rankings, three of them with double points.
A special treat for show jumping enthusiasts will be the LONGINES GRAND PRIX, for which 46 entries have been received. This competition offers the highest prize money of the event, attracting entries from successful olympians and world, european & swiss champions.